Hi, I’m Xiao, a UX designer.

UX design appeals to me, because I am able to tap into many different aspects of myself when designing. My psychology studies equip me with the research skills to collect unbiased data from users, and create accessible designs based on human perception. Through my cognitive science studies, I have had the opportunity to dive more into the tech side of UX design, and develop a basic understanding of several coding languages such as Python, R, SQL, and HTML/CSS/Javascript. Even though as a designer most times I won’t be the one writing code, I believe that knowing some code helps me be a better team player by designing with realistic standards in mind, and easily communicating with developers. Finally, I have found that many elements of art transfer over to design, and I draw from my background in drawing and painting when thinking about the aesthetic elements of my design such as the layout or colors. I love how I am able to apply skills I gained from my mixed background to each new project, and look forward to continuously learning new things as a designer.

Things that make my day:
Lifting, painting, baking, going on walks with friends and family!